Sunday, May 17, 2015

Three Months!

Grayson is growing so fast!  It would be nice if he could stop for a week or two.  I could literally watch his sweet face for hours.  He really has been a good baby - as long as he's fed on time.  We don't have a doctor's appointment again until June so we attempted to do measurements at our house this month.  We don't own a scale, so we have no idea how much our little turkey weighs, but he was measuring 24 1/4 inches long.  That means he is over two feet long!

Big things this month - I went back to work on May 4th.  Luckily, Ben was able to take off the entire week from work to be with Grayson at home.  We were hoping that would make his transition a little easier, and it really seemed to help.  The week of May 11th, I started a four day work week with Friday's off for the remainder of the summer.  Our plan for summer is for Grayson to stay with Granny on Monday's when I work a later shift and on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday Grayson will be at a daycare center (Kiddie Campus University in Lutz).

Leaving Grayson at Granny's house was a breeze!  I knew he was in super capable hands and would probably be getting more attention than I typically give him.  But, I'd be lying if I said that I haven't been having nightmares about Grayson being at daycare.  Part of me is so scared that he won't do well or get enough attention and the other part really wants him to be independent and socialize with other babies.  The first dropoff was pretty rough.  I cried when I left the house and again after I left the daycare.

The first day went pretty well (I only called twice).  The second day was a little more difficult.  Grayson only took one nap all day, so he was really grouchy and clearly exhausted when I picked him up.  I brought his swaddle blanket for the third day, and he did much better with napping and was in a much better mood when I got there.  Like anything, it's going to take a couple of weeks for him to get used to his new routine.  But, the daycare is well staffed and has been super patient with all my questions and phone calls.

Here are some photo highlights of the month:

Clean baby fox:

Friday morning shenanigans:

Having fun on a run:

Today is Mother's Day?!?

Foxy pajamas


Happy boy

Grayson's very first race medal

Dinner with the big kids (Emily, Ruud, and Alex)

Who me?!?

Sticking my tongue out is my favorite past time!

We are still trucking along with breastfeeding.  I've been pumping at work, first thing in the morning, and right before bed.  Nursing is a little more difficult now that Grayson is used to taking a bottle during the day.  The initial plan was to make it to six months and then he will start eating and taking less milk, but I'm trying to keep my plan flexible.  (Y'all saw how great my birth plan went, right?!?)

Grayson also started sleeping through the night nearly every night the Sunday before I went back to work.  It was the strangest thing, as if he knew that things were going to be changing and we all needed to get a good nights sleep.  Typically, he goes to bed at about 8:30 now and will sleep until 6:30 or so.  He has gotten up at 1 am one night and 4:45 this morning.  Typically after waking he goes right back to bed after he's done eating/diaper change.

He's also been drooling up a storm.  It seems pretty early for teeth to be coming in, but it is possible that he could be breaking a few teeth.  (My online research says anywhere from 3 months to 18 months - that's a pretty big window..)  I've felt around his gums, but haven't felt anything just yet. 

That is all for now - I've tried several times to write this particular blog and have gotten sidetracked, so I had to go back and re-write certain things.  But this is pretty much all of the happenings as of recently.  Until next time!