Thursday, September 11, 2014

Pregnancy so far

Several people have been asking me how I've been feeling, what I've been craving, etc..  So here is the run down of all the commonly-asked questions:

What have you been craving? Watermelon!  I would go to Publix at lunch and get the small containers of watermelon chunks and eat that for lunch

How are you feeling?  I've been feeling really good!  Naturally, I'm tired most days but otherwise, really good.  I was lucky not to experience any morning sickness and just had a few days when I felt a little nauseous.

Are you still running?  Yes!  I've been able to maintain about 20-25 miles per week.  My pace is much slower than before, but it feels really good to get outside and sweat a little.  I first asked the doctor about running when we went to the initial visit and he said that running is fine (especially since I was a runner before pregnancy), but just to make sure that my heart rate is in check.  He also cleared me to run the Frankenfooter half marathon on October 26th.  I feel like this may be the last race for me and the little one for a while.

  • Sidenote on running - many thanks to Ben and my bestest running buddy, Tracey Tripp, for slowing WAYYY down to accommodate my heart rate, tiredness, etc...

How much weight have you gained?  So far, 5 pounds.  I feel like I don't look pregnant just yet, just a little chunky.

Are you having a boy or a girl? Ben and I have decided not to find out the gender of the baby.  We figured that we will not get very many surprises like this in our lives (potentially ever again).

  • Follow-up question - how are you going to plan the nursery or clothing if you don't know the gender?!  Sigh.  I've found it really hard to be diplomatic while answering this question, but simply we will be utilizing gender neutral colors in our preparation.  Grays, yellows, greens, etc...  I've learned that some people just ask really rude questions and I've been trying my hardest to bite my tongue.

Have you decided on a name? Yes and no.  We have decided on a girl's name and have a running list of boy's names that we are still undecided on.  Our close family and friends know the directions that we are going, but we don't want to "release" the names until our little onion has arrived.  I feel like when we see the baby's face we may change my mind anyway.

Now, all my friends have been asking for belly pictures!  Here is one from week 14:

If you have any other questions, just let me know ;)


  1. Oh I like the new blog and I'm excited to see your journey through pregnancy and beyond.
