Friday, January 23, 2015

Week #36 - subtitle - NINE MONTHS!

I've officially been pregnant for nine months.  Wowww...seems like forever some days and other days it seems like the pregnancy has flown by. This week the baby is 18.75 inches long, 5.75 pounds, and about the size of a crenshaw melon.  Apparently a crenshaw melon is a hybrid melon with very sweet, juicy orange flesh.  Here is a photo for reference:

The baby is still gaining weight and becoming rounder in appearance.  He or she is most likely head down at this point.  We went for a walk around the neighborhood on Sunday morning and it dawned on me that Ben and I only have about 3 weeks together as a duo - forever.  Bananas!

On Sunday, my friend Tracey hosted an amazing shower for myself and Baby Raposa.  There was even a baby version of Jeopardy! (my favorite game show!).  My team totally dominated the "Celebrity Mom" category, but we did not get Final Jeopardy correct...  Here are some photos to enjoy:

Here is a photo of my friend Michelle who is due about 2 1/2 weeks before me (January 26th).

 It has been really nice to have another first time mom to compare and contrast what is going on.  Can't wait for our little babes to meet each other!  I've been really, really bad about taking photos lately.  I know that I need to be a little more diligent because I'm not going to get this time back, but my brain is just not working correctly, y'all.

On Monday, I had my very first non-stress test.  It was not as bad as I was anticipating, it was actually quite nice to listen to the baby's heartbeat and read for 20 minutes.  The nurse told me that everything was "perfect" with both heart beats and my blood pressure.  I asked her that if I continue to score perfectly, would I be able stop coming twice a week and she said no!  Of course.  But, she said it's only three more weeks, so it shouldn't be too bad.

Since I was off work on Monday for the Martin Luther King holiday, Ben's office coordinated a shower for us as well as two other couples in his office who are expecting.  One of the couples is due on the exact same date as us and the other is two weeks after us.  (Of course all these dates are relative to what baby decides).  The party was so generous and everyone is so excited.  There are so many more people that work in Ben's office than mine, so it was a little intimidating and I totally needed a nap afterwards!  Here's a photo of the three of us:

On Wednesday, we finally got to see our little babe again.  I was over the moon excited because it had been since September since we had an ultrasound.  The baby has still not "turned" head down, but from what I've been told it can happen pretty quickly.  Also, there are technically still four-ish more weeks.  Here are the photos that we got:

The lips are very prominent and apparently the baby does not like having their photo taken.  Their arms and hands have always been covering the face in every ultrasound.  The legs are pretty cramped as most of you can imagine (Ben is 6'3") and they are folded in half essentially.  The baby in weighing in at almost 6 pounds now, which seems about right on track for the delivery date.

On Thursday, I had my second non-stress test as well as my weekly doctor's appointment.  This was the first time that I've gone to my doctor by myself.  Ben was a little nervous because it appears every time I go to the doctor without him, something bad happens or I get some really bad news.  Well, he may actually be correct on that one.  The doctor is really concerned that the baby is still in the breech position.

The doctor said that if the baby does not turn on his or her own by my next doctor's appointment, a c-section will have to be scheduled.  Now, I'm going to be doing everything in my power (i.e. laying upside down on the couch, bouncing on the exercise ball, etc..) to make this baby turn on it's own.  Any (not-too-crazy) suggestions are welcome as well!.  Naturally, after the appointment, I was pretty upset.  I don't think having a c-section is the end of the world, but because of the blood clotting disorder, any surgery puts my health in more risk.

I'm trying my hardest to just relax and tell myself that this is truly a situation that is out of my control.  Also, the baby is thriving and my mind and my heart know that he or she will be here in just a few weeks and everything will be fine.  But at the same time, I'm really scared that something may go wrong.  For now, the plan is to focus on getting through the next couple of weeks and seeing what happens.  Ben did give the baby a stern talking-to last night about "turning" after reading his nightly story.

Time will tell - that is all for now!

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