Saturday, August 15, 2015

Six Months

It's hard for me to comprehend that Grayson is already a half a year old!  Every month that goes by, I find myself saying "I can't believe he is xx months old!"  Time really has gone by so fast since February 6th.  This month, Grayson is 16 pounds, 14 ounces and measures 27 inches long.  He's in the 55th percentile for weight and 70th percentile for height.  His doctor thinks that he is developing just fine.

We officially started Grayson on "solids" about three weeks ago.  So far, he has tried sweet potato, squash, carrots, and avocado.  The only vegetable that he really didn't care for was avocado.  Everything else he does really well with.  His pediatrician suggested staying with vegetables for a few more weeks and then start introducing fruits as well.  He suggested that at 8 months to start with protein (just in time for Thanksgiving!).

I've already posted on Facebook about making his baby food.  Truly, it was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be.  I read a couple articles online about how to do it and then started prepping.  I spent about two hours one Friday and made his food for two weeks!  It was definitely worth it.  Not only did we save a ton of money, but I know exactly what he's eating.  Here is a link to the blog post that I found most helpful.

This kid really enjoys his food!

Breastfeeding is totally over.  During the move (July 15th-ish), it took two days for me to even produce 2 ounces of milk.  It was getting to be more trouble than it was worth.  It was a sad day, but also a strangely liberating day.  We didn't quite make it to six months, but we had a good five month run.

We are officially somewhat settled in the new place.  It has been bittersweet to leave the home we brought Grayson home from the hospital, but we are surely going to be making many more memories at the new house.  We finally unpacked our last box this week, so it's really just a matter of hanging pictures, sorting through miscellaneous crap, and finding a place for everything.  We did paint Grayson's room, and his room is officially the first room to be completely done.   Hard day of work:

I was actually really surprised that he fell asleep in the picture above without being swaddled, but I guess if you're tired enough... We still swear by our Swaddle blanket at during naps and overnight for sleeping.  He hasn't been fighting it as much lately.  He pretty much sleeps through the night, unless he's sick.

Speaking of being sick, we are going on our second ear infection.  I'm guessing he picks up the germs at daycare.  It's either that or from the students that I am in contact with.  But, you can always tell when he's getting sick because he has problems sleeping through the night.  We are so spoiled because he's been sleeping overnight since about three months old.  So when we doesn't sleep overnight, we don't know what to do!

Marathon training is also in full effect as well!  It is so hot, y'all!  Plus, when it's not 100 degrees it has been raining so a lot of the trails are either flooded or damaged.  It is nice to be back at the long runs (when they are over!).  The distances that we are up to now are the longest since before Grayson.  So certainly I'm sore!  This is my favorite meme to send to my training buddies:

That is all for now - until next month!


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