Friday, April 17, 2015

Two Months

Once again, Grayson has already turned two months old (on April 6th) at the time of this blog posting.  However, our appointment for his two month well visit was not until today (April 17th) because of the timing of his vaccinations.  He weighed in at 12 pounds 5 ounces and measured 23 1/2 inches long.  His weight is now in the 53rd percentile (up from 13th percentile at birth) and his height is now in the 60th percentile (up from the 25th percentile at birth).

Needless to say, he is a growing boy!  In the last month he has gained over two pounds and grew two more inches.  The pediatrician thinks that Grayson will be long/tall (like Daddy) and is very happy with his development so far.  We won't have to go back to see the doctor again until June for his four month well visit.

Grayson did get two injected vaccinations today as well as an oral vaccination.  He did really well with the oral vaccine.  The nurse said it was sweet tasting, so he was all about that.  The leg injections weren't too bad.  I had been reading that you should nurse your child immediately following the shots and that's what I did.  It seemed to work until we got home.  We thought he was really tired, but he wouldn't stop fussing, so we put him in a warm bath which calmed him down.

Since the last posting, Grayson has really been moving and shaking!  I've come to the realization that I only have a few more weeks of maternity leave left, and it's time to get out there.  The first month, Grayson only went to the doctor's office.  I'm getting a little more confident taking him out by myself and learning how to manage his schedule.  Basically, as long as he is fed and changed, he's good to go for about two hours.

But he has gone to his first birthday party (our nephew, Alex's), went to cheer at Daddy at his first race since Grayson's arrival, celebrated his first Easter, attended his first ball game, and even visited Plant City.  Here are some photos (some have already been posted on Facebook or Instagram) that will catch y'all up on the day to day happenings.

Here are two shots after his morning feeding.  He typically eats around 7 and then comes in the kitchen with me to "help" me make my breakfast:

Coming soon to the PHSC marketing department:

First date with Owen.  Owen and Grayson share not only the same birthday, but also the same middle name. Owen's mom, Kristen and I have known each other since elementary school!  We were both due on the same day, but delivered early on the same day!

First ball game at Steinbrenner Field.  PHSC played HCC at Steinbrenner, which just happened to be right around the corner.  Grayson LOVED it!  He was so good and just sat quietly checking out all the sights and sounds.

Sneak peak of a photo shoot that we did in some outfits before he grew out of his newborn sized clothing.  This suit is compliments of Donna Reid, and it's just WAY too cute.  (Still a little big, but he's growing in to it)

Just hamming it up for the camera after eating (best time to snap a photo of Happy Baby!)

Chillin' on Easter (one of my favorite photos!)

Snoozing at Dad's first trail race (super boring!)

Weekly walk date with Liam (and Michelle).  This is from the week that Grayson didn't fuss half the walk..

This is very typical Grayson (moving so much that pictures are blurry)

Ready to run in his Nike onesie, sneaker socks and game face:

Typically my view during a weekday run:

The newest thing!  Riverdance kicks!

At the office with Daddy!  Grayson was so good when we visited Daddy at work.  He especially liked all the pretty ladies and fluorescent lighting in the ceiling:

We are still breastfeeding and it seems to be going very well so far. I've been pumping to store up a stash for when I go back to work (May 4th).  He has had formula when in a pinch and once at the hospital when his weight was dropping.  But, he really isn't picky about taking pumped milk or formula from a bottle.  (I actually think he prefers from the bottle because it is less work for him)  Just so long as it's milk, he's good.

Grayson is also a pretty good sleeper at night.  He typically goes to bed around 7:30-8:00 and then will eat again at 2 or 3 am.  After his early morning feeding, it's hard to get him back to bed for a long period of time.  He tends to get very gassy and that keeps him up.  However, he sleeps for about 7 solid hours, so it could definitely be worse.  

He does take naps during the day, but they typically aren't for very long.  Based off the schedule I've been following, he should eat every three hours and take a nap for an hour and a half and then repeat the cycle.  Some days it feels like I spent the entire hour and a half trying to get him to go back to bed.

Grayson is officially out of newborn sized clothing. He wears either a 3 month or 0-3 month size, depending on the manufacturer.  I was able to pass along the majority of his newborn sized clothing to other moms and was also gifted with a huge box of hand-me-downs the same day.  He has so many clothes!

Next weekend, Grayson will be participating in his very first 5k, so he and I have been training during the day.  Pushing the jogging stroller really isn't that bad, but running without the stroller seems so much easier!  Grayson is a good motivator for running :)

That is all for now - until next month, y'all!