Wednesday, November 12, 2014

26 weeks!

This week we have officially reached the final week of the second trimester.  The baby is approximately 14 inches long and 1.75 pounds or the length of a hothouse cucumber.  Again, I don't know what a hothouse cucumber is, but it appears to be a thinner, longer version of what we all know and love as the cucumber.  Here's a photo:

The baby's lungs and brain are much more developed and can now also hear outside noises, like Ben's voice.  The baby's favorite game to play is after one kick, wait to Ben to put his hand on my stomach and then refuse to follow up with subsequent kicks.  After a little coaxing from Dad, the baby starts kicking again.  We also have less than 100 days (or so) until the baby arrives.  That. is. CRAZY!

Here are the latest and greatest adventures from this week/weekend (another busy one!):

Ben and I have been diligently working on building a baby registry, but there are so much things that we are uneducated about!  Not to mention, some of the "suggested items" seem completely unnecessary (and expensive!).  After much thought, we decided to register at Babies R Us and Amazon (links to our actual registry).  Any suggestions from my mom and/or mom-to-be friends for items that are an absolute must are certainly welcome.

Ben and I ran the Little-Markou Race to Educate (5k) on Saturday morning (11/8) and we both had a good time.  The weather was good and the course is relatively flat.  I was able to run a 28:50 (about 9:18 minute/mile), which I was super happy with.  Ben ran a 24:24 and placed 3rd in his age group.  We got to see quite a few people that we haven't seen in a while and the race swag was unbelievable!  Here is a picture that includes Ben's age group award (glows in the dark!):

We also returned to the home where we got married on Saturday for a BBQ/Fall Festival.  When we walked up, there was a huge tent (pictured below), beer on tap, wine, and more food then we even had at our wedding!  This was the first time that I've been back to the house since our wedding day, and it was awesome.  Del and Diana (the homeowners) treated us like royalty and all of their friends were excited to meet us, since they had heard so much about the wedding and us.

Diana even started welling up talking about future Baby Raposa.  This is a yearly event that they host, so she is excited to have the baby attend next year.  There may have even been jokes about birthing the baby in their horse barn and having a full-service wedding/birthing center....okay, there were.  I even didn't mind so much when Diana rubbed my baby bump (which is something I have only let Ben do so far). It appears that I'm going to have to get a little more comfortable with that as my bump is growing.  Here's a shot of us right in the same spot we sealed the deal:

This week we had a doctor's appointment where I found out that I passed my glucose test (yay!) and my iron levels look good, which means that I'm not anemic (woo!).  The doctor broke that news that visits will now be every 2 weeks versus every 4 weeks.  I was a little surprised, but since this is officially my last week in the second trimester, I guess that is to be expected.

The doctor, Ben, and I myself had a pretty candid conversation about my due date and if/how long past my due date the doctor will allow.  He said that typically around 38 weeks, he will formulate a plan and possibly schedule an induction for the 39th week.  I expressed my concern about the chemicals used to induce labor (mainly pitocin) and how they tend to lead to c-section, especially if the baby isn't "ready".  He listened and didn't really agree or disagree, but said that perhaps my feelings would change by the time I'm 38 weeks pregnant.  Touche', Dr. Ancheta - obviously not his first rodeo.

So, for now, the plan is to wait and see what this baby and my body decides.  Ben was born right on time, my nephew and I were post delivered past our due dates/ late, and my sister and niece were delivered early.  So, it's really a gamble in terms of past family history.  But the doctor will not let me go past 41 weeks.

He also recommended that I drink lots of Smartwater, Gatorade, and/or milk and eat plenty of bananas in order to help with the leg cramping that I've been experiencing lately.  Most people know that I'm a total Smartwater snob, so I'm all about drinking water with extra electrolytes.

That is all for now - lots more coming soon!

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