Thursday, November 27, 2014

Week 28 - subtitle - THIRD TRIMESTER!

Wooo - finally made it to the third trimester, y'all!  The baby is approximately 14.8 inches long, 2.25 pounds, and approximately the size of a head of Chinese cabbage.  I'm not sure that I've had Chinese cabbage before, but here is a picture:

Here is a run down of all the happenings this past week:

  • Monday - yoga!
  • Tuesday - 5 mile run/jog
  • Wednesday - rest
  • Thursday - pregnant lady workout videos!  (This week I tried this one and this one)
  • Friday - 5 mile run/jog
  • Saturday - 5k race at Busch Gardens
  • Sunday - 4 mile run/walk
Speaking of the Busch Gardens 5k, Ben and I both had a really good time at this race.  Previously, the race was only open to friends/family of Busch Gardens employees, but this year they opened the race up to the public.  It was huge!  There were over 1000 people there.  It was a great fundraiser for the Wildlife Conservation Fund, and it was really cool to run through the park.  Even better, the 5k entry included admission to the park for the day.  

This was officially my last race as a pregnant lady!  My goal was to finish under 30 minutes and not fall/slip.  I'm very happy to say that I squeaked in at 29:26 (or 9:30 minute/mile pace).  It was a bittersweet moment to know that it's going to be a long while before I put on another racing bib or cross another finish line, but the payoff in the end is going to be so worth it!

After the race we got cleaned up and prepared to spend the day at Busch Gardens.  The only ride that I am able to go on is the sky ride, which wasn't in operation (womp womp).  But, we had a really good time taking in the shows, checking out the animals, and people watching!  We stayed at the park until 4:00 or so.  It never really rained, but stayed overcast, so it was nice that the park itself wasn't too crowded and the weather was comfortable.

Here were are post-race at IHOP:

Ben petting a wallaby:

Kangaroos so stuffed that they just fell right asleep!

Over-feeding of the kangaroos:

Super ugly emu!

On Sunday, we went back to the hospital for a breastfeeding class.  I was really not feeling like spending two and a half hours in a class on a beautiful Sunday (during the Bucs game, even!), but I knew that it would be good to go and learn.  First, I would like to say that Countryside should NOT have their classes in the basement.  No bueno.

I was surprised that there were so many people in the class (and VERY happy that Ben agreed to attend with me).  There was one other couple that was not finding out the gender of their child, everyone else shared their genders, names, due dates, etc...  I was REALLY surprised that several of the other students were due in December!  Ack!  That is the last thing that I want to be doing when 9 months pregnant.  But, I learned quite a bit and am really glad that we went.  We do have a childbirth/parenting class coming up the first weekend in December as well.

The Lovenox shots were up for refill this week (yes, we are still up to date on the shots), and I was a little nervous that there would be another issue with my insurance and the refill.  Thankfully, the prescription was able to be refilled with no issues this month (woo!).

On Wednesday, we had a doctor's appointment.  The appointment was pretty uneventful.  The doctor was pleased with the baby's growth, my current weight gain, blood pressure, etc..  The baby's heart rate was 154, which is a little higher than it's been in the past (which shoots my boy theory down, as girls typically have higher heart rates).  We will be going back again in two weeks (December 9th) for another appointment.

Finally, we have so many things to be thankful for this year, but I truly thank everyone for their questions, comments, suggestions, and concerns for our new addition arriving soon!  Happy Thanksgiving, y'all!  


  1. I'm just one proud great aunt to be.
    Are you gonna keep us dated on the baby ( like you'll have time. dumb question on my part) I like your writing style.
    Oh and the New arrival will have a great aunt known as " Spring Fox "

  2. I love reading your updates, but want to request more belly pics! =p
